Sunday 7 July 2013

Finish Up Projects

Working through the slump I finally got the finished product in hand. 
Chey's Blanket was well worth the effort.  Thanks to Sue Knight for asking my advice and for my assistance in the working of this beautiful blanket.  I was happy to help and also find a few tiny errors in the pattern.  The pattern is soon to be released and I'm sure it will be a huge success for her.
Below is the picture of both the blankets that Sue made and my version.
and here's a closer picture of the blanket that I did on it's own.  Yes I know, blocking these blankets would make them look so much more stunning.  I really need to take the time to try this blocking. 

After completing Chey's Blanket, I looked at the mess I quite happily call my "craft corner" and saw more unfinished projects so I decided to complete more.

Rainbow Blanket was completed to the tail tucking stage, so out came the needle and I started whipping all those pesky tails in.

After finishing this blanket & Chey's I decided I just wanted to "vege" on some smaller projects.  With hubby and my sons away for the weekend it was perfect time to just crochet all weekend.  I completed a simple bath mat, again those pesky tails still need tucking, but being a Christmas present they can wait. 
This was a simple pattern I found on Ravelry (a crafters best friend) and I decided to try my super sized hook.  15.75mm (size Q - USA) and 5 strands of 8ply yarn.  Apart from being in a tangle most of the time, I was pleased with how quick the mat worked up and how super soft it was.  Not sure if I will just starch it when blocking or stitch a backing piece of material onto the back.  Plenty of time for that decision.
And now today I am working my way through some Monster Beanies.  I made one for an order the other day, and when I delivered it, I received an order for another 5.  Last night I did 3 of the beanies and once I finish making the other 2 I will start working on the eyes & horns.
And finally (as you can tell I've had a busy few days with the trusty hook & yarn) I was asked if I could reproduce the Cabbage Patch inspired Beanie and this is what I came up with.  Now to make a few more of these and send them to a friend for her page.  :)